Ford Powerstroke Diesel Service
When was the last time you had your Ford PowerStroke serviced? The truck may be gas-guzzling, but it has many advantages. One of those advantages is that it’s incredibly reliable and long-lasting for its class. Despite this, it still needs proper maintenance and upkeep. A well-maintained Ford PowerStroke will also function better than a neglected one.
Ford PowerStroke enthusiasts don‘t mess around. We‘re in it for the long-term, so we take our trucks a bit more seriously than some of the other guys. And while we definitely want to show off how far we can push our PowerStroke, that doesn’t mean that we don‘t also care about how well it runs and performs!
We have assembled some of the more common maintenance and model specific issues to keep an eye out for.

Ford Powerstroke Problems - 6.0L 2003-2007
Despite being well regarded for their long-lasting characteristics, diesel engines, while not resistant to damage, do not last forever. A dirty fuel filter and a bad injector are relatively common problems that are encountered on diesel engines. Whether you fall into any of these conditions or any others, Diesel Service with us is a great solution for you.

Ford Powerstroke Problems - 6.4L 2008-2010

Ford Powerstroke Problems - 6.7L 2011-2022 (all years have same problems)

Ford Powerstroke Common Steering and Suspension Problems

Expertise, competence, and trustworthiness.
Expertise, competence, and trustworthiness. Our diesel technicians keep updated with all the latest innovations so that you will always have a truck that is running smoothly.
You can get the proper adjustments from our certified mechanics here if you want to take your truck's performance up a notch. We service diesel engines and understand the ins and outs of this technology, we can also provide you with all of the maintenance and repairs, as well as all of the extensive maintenance you will need